The plastic used for the weapons where they normally would have been wood is simply brown... I wanted the look of wood for the staves and the gun especially. In the first posting about Musha, I believe I linked to this progress page of someone else's work. Well I decided to give his technique on the weapons a go.
And here are the results:
The unpainted brown plastic
Testor's Model Master enamel leather is used for a base coat.
Base coat done
After the base coat is dry, a gloss coat is brushed on to protect the base color
I mixed Testor's Model Master acrylic leather (Yep, same color as the enamel) and wood and did a dry brushing.
A few more passes with just the wood color used. That is aloud to set and dry completely and then...
Detailing and finishing is done on the weapons!
The gun especially looks magnificent!
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