Sunday, May 15, 2011

1/100 TT Hongli MG Hi-Nu Gundam Couple's Build - Part 3

Fixing Some Things...

All righty, all right.  It's been too long, but just when I got all set to finally update, Google has the blogger down...  Oh well.

So, I talked about the issue with the head last time, I think.  The eyes sit too low in the head and the head camera doesn't go all the way up into the mohawk.

I took the top off... ;-)...

I decided instead of trying to make that piece fit all the way in there...

I painted it silver in the hollow...

Then clear green to match the camera.

Not perfect, but it works and look a hell of a lot better now.

Then, when building the arm... WEAK PLASTIC WHITENING!

As you can see, part N3 has a rather unique shape to it.  A section of the circular part has another cut into the wall so that the peg of part L37 (which has a stopper block on the bottom side of the peg) won't allow the elbow to bend backwards.  Well, that thin plastic of the elbow just couldn't handle the stress of having the peg inserted.

And it stretched and stressed in two spots.

The elbow bends really far.

This is when a few things happened all at once.  I straightened the arm so it could use the gatling gun, the elbow joint made an awful click... and...

This armor piece decided it HATES the arm and never wants to be a part of it again...  no really, nothing is broke, the white piece just doesn't like being there.

Oh, also...

N3 broke...

I was by no means expecting this kit to turn out well, I wasn't expecting even 80% Bandai quality...  I'm glad my expectations were so low...


  1. This is why I only support the licensed stuff.

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean. I will be postig all of my opinions when this build is over.

  3. I have this TT NU Gundam too, completed with the arm joint broken like your N3. But that's the low price we paid and we can't expect more if compare to original Bandai...

  4. yup, but I got this kit for free.
